Panoramic Himeji - Egret's Eye View

Himeji Castle (姫路城)
Himeji (姫路), Hyōgo (兵庫県)
Kansai (関西), Honshū (本州), Japan (日本)
Autumn, December 2013

Towered over the countryside;
stood mighty palace once derived
from mountaintop; almost alive,
envy of all the land.

Beauty conveying such granduer
like none had ever seen afore.
Inhabitants all loving, pure,
singing hand in hand.

Turrets spiralled to the sky,
as glaciers, but twice as high.
Moments before oncoming nigh
t'would glitter with golden light.

Emblazing in the awesome halls,
reflecting from the many walls;
its luminescence never falls
'to the fading dregs of night.

Overlooking mountains, valleys,
with its many quads and galleys,
abundance of windows untallied;
stood casa magnificence.

"Crystal Fortress" Poem by EtherealAlchemy